12 Pingüinos Dibujos Animados S.L. is an animation studio with more than 20 years experience as a producer and services provider for the animation industry. Its founder, the animator Manuel Sirgo, has collaborated with the most important animation firms from all over the world, as Hanna-Barbera (’The Jetsons’, ‘The Smurfs’), Walt Disney (’DuckTales’), Warner Bros (’Batman’) and TVE (’Vicky’, ‘¿Qué apostamos?’). Our team is formed by more than 30 professionals. Specialized in Script, Storyboard, Layouts, Model Sheet, Backgrounds, Traditional Animation, 3D Animation, Cut-Out, Animatics, In-between Animation, Line Test, Scanning, Color Key, Composition, Edition, Dubbing, Sound & Music recording in collaboration with Happy Jack. Facilities: two animation studies, in Madrid and Ciudad Real, Spain.
We offer a complete solution for all your animation needs. Our full range of services includes: pilot episodes, special works, promos and interstitials, short movies, feature movies, advertising and TV series.

Our own productions:
- Pollo: 35mm short movie
- Pollo: TV Serie 52×1’ (Project)
- Pollo: TV Series 53×13’ (Project)
- Energina: TV Serie 26×26’ (Developing)
- O.S.O.S.: 35mm short movie – 7′ Length
- Kuri: 35mm short movie – 7′ Length
- Clicks: short movie – 7′ Length
- AWARDS GOYA – Best shortfilm of Animation ‘Arrugas’, Madrid
- AWARDS GOYA – Best adapted Script ‘Arrugas’, Madrid
- I SHORTFILMS PRIZE MIQUEL PORTER Y MOIX – Best shortfilm of Animation “Pollo”, by Manuel Sirgo // May del 2001, Cerdanyola del Vallés (Barcelona)
- XIII MARATÓN DE CINE FANTÁSTICO Y DE TERROR DE SANTS – Best shortfilm of Animation “Pollo”, by Manuel Sirgo
- AWARDS GOYA – Best shortfilm of Animation “Pollo”, by Manuel Sirgo // January 2002, Madrid
- MACCA – IV MUESTRA DE CORTOMETRAJES Y II MUESTRA DE ANIMACIÓN – Best shortfilm of Animation “Pollo”, by Manuel Sirgo // 2003, Cassà de la Selva (Girona)
- FENACO PERÚ – Best international shortfilm of Animation “Kuri” by Manuel Sirgo // 2008
- IX FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CORTOMETRAJES DE TORRELAVEGA – Second Prize “Kuri”, by Manuel Sirgo // May 2008, Torrelavega (Cantabria)
- VI PREMIO INTERNACIONAL DE CORTOMETRAJES DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE LA LAGUNA – Second Prize “Kuri”, by Manuel Sirgo // Decembre, 2008 Tenerife
- SICAF – XIII FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAK DE DIBUJOS Y ANIMACION DE SEOUL – Second Prize «Kuri», by Manuel Sirgo, 2009, Seoul (Corea del Sur)
- II FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL PILAS EN CORTO – Best shortfilm of Animation “Clicks”, by Manuel Sirgo, 2010, Pilas (Andalucía)